E.L.F. Cuticle Pen Review

Today I received my E.L.F. order for their cuticle pen, I wanted to try this because They have so many different reviews on it ..Hey 2.00 is nothing to try something I figured
I have very dry cubicles, nails and nail grooves(the skin between your nail and finger) shown in picture below.(not my picture)
I love the fact that it is a pen, easy to put in my diaper bag and stay there & another one for desk.Contains these major ingredients, vitamins e,a,c,b5 and aloe with sweet almond oil, grape seed oil,and avocado oil.

The facts from me trying this just once
It has hardly any smell which is good for me
It does NOT make your nails feel greasy or interfere with doing things.
Absorbs very quick.
The look of my groove looks more moisturized than before after one use, we will see how the long-term effects are in a week
The only thing I think could improve is just a wee bit more product on the applicator.
Many others have reported their tip gets pushed in …mine have not and I put a bit of pressure to check this concern out.
I will update in a week after using it to see how well it holds up to my dry grooves
Till then love your nails the best you can  xoxox

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